
漢考克紅漢考克紅Hancock Red Diamond (名鑚:漢考克紅鑚 0.95 克拉  1987年)

April 28, 1987: A 0.95 ct Fancy purplish red round brilliant-cut diamond, now known as the Hancock Red, sold at Christie’s in New York for $880,000 fetching $926,000 per carat. The price paid for the Hancock Red set a new world record per-carat price for any gem sold at auction and fetched more than seven times the previous record mark for a diamond ($127,000 per carat, paid for a 7.27 ct pink diamond in 1980). Despite eye-visible inclusions, the Hancock Red commanded such a hefty price due to its exceptionally rare natural color.

1987年4月28日:0.95 CT花哨的紫紅色圓形明亮式切割鑽石,現在稱為漢考克紅,賣了克利斯蒂在紐約的880000美元,取926000美元每克拉。對於漢考克紅支付的價格創造了新的世界記錄每克拉價格的任何寶石拍賣了超過七次的紀錄標記為鑽石(127000美元每克拉,在1980個7.27克拉粉紅鑽石支付)。儘管肉眼可見雜質,漢考克紅吩咐如此之高的價格由於其罕見的自然色。

The diamond was put up for auction by the heirs of a Montana collector, Warren Hancock, who reportedly had purchased it in 1956 for $13,500. The Hancock Red was one of his several fancy-color diamonds that had been mined and cut in Brazil.

鑽石被張貼由蒙大納收藏家,拍賣的繼承人沃倫漢考克,據稱曾購買1956 13500美元。漢考克紅是他的幾個彩色鑽石被開採、切割巴西。

The record price fetched for the Hancock Red in 1987 set a record which was not surpassed until October 2007 when Sotheby's sold a 6.04 carat fancy blue internally flawless diamond at auction for $7,981,835.00 U.S. Dollars which is a stunning $1.3 Million U.S. Dollars per carat!



1989 年春,在法國巴黎的一次珠寶展銷會上,展出了一顆重量 2.23 克拉的血鑽,標價競達 4200 萬美元這顆紅鑽的美艷讓人傾到,其昂貴的價格讓人瞠目結舌 與當時的黃金價格相比是黃金的十萬倍以上,比無色鑽石貴二千倍以上。

1987 年 4 月,在美國的一次珠寶拍賣會上有一顆重 0.95 克拉的紫紅色彩鑽,以 88 萬美元落槌 加上其他費用近 95 萬美元成交,創下了紫紅色彩鑽每克拉近百萬美元的最高記錄。




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